Core Capabilities

Fast and accurate webshell detection

Convenient online scanning and removal

It could detect webshell quickly and accurately through a browser and access the latest detection capabilities.

It could detect webshell quickly and accurately through a browser and access the latest detection capabilities.

Powerful memory webshell kills

With the patent of an efficient memory webshell detection algorithm, it has little intrusion to business, supports memory webshell detection of Java 6 + or higher in the Linux version, and automatically identifies the three mainstream middleware of WebLogic, Tomcat and Jboss. Windows version is the earliest IIS. NET memory webshell detection tool in China, with a wide application range and exceptional detection performance.

With the patent of an efficient memory webshell detection algorithm, it has little intrusion to business, supports memory webshell detection of Java 6 + or higher in the Linux version, and automatically identifies the three mainstream middleware of WebLogic, Tomcat and Jboss. Windows version is the earliest IIS. NET memory webshell detection tool in China, with a wide application range and exceptional detection performance.

Flexible SaaS API

Webshell can be detected in any scenario as long as the API can be called. The API has a good effect in scenarios that are sensitive to resource overhead, such as IoT devices.

Webshell can be detected in any scenario as long as the API can be called. The API has a good effect in scenarios that are sensitive to resource overhead, such as IoT devices.

Free kill client terminal

The program is small, scans quickly, and works with multiple versions of Windows and Linux. In 2022, it is compatible with mainstream domestic hardware and effectively supports localization substitution.

The program is small, scans quickly, and works with multiple versions of Windows and Linux. In 2022, it is compatible with mainstream domestic hardware and effectively supports localization substitution.

Product Advantages

Cloud Engine

  • Relying on massive webshell samples, quickly and accurately detect known webshells.

AI Engine

  • 99.95% detection rate, low false positives.

Deep Engine

  • Anti-Obfuscation, Anti-AntiVirus.

Feature Engine

  • Fast detection and low system overhead.

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